Massage for deep release

Jing Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist, myofascial release, deep tissue, sports massage, trigger point therapy, assisted stretching, scar tissue fascial release, women’s health fascial bodywork, Jing massage fusion, acupressure, table Thai, Amma, energy healing, trauma informed, intuitive healing massage.

Myofascial Massage Specialist

Since 2011 and I have taken more courses than is possible to list, the most rigorous being the Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist accreditation through Jing Advanced Massage Training.

The result is a unique combination of scientist meets shaman:

sincere skill and knowledge, combined with profoundly insightful and intuitive touch.

Deep tissue massage to lumbar

Myofascial massage treatments target both fascia and muscles to melt away deep-held tensions and find realignment and ease of movement. 

Fascial lines have a strong correlation with energy meridians, making treatments a fusion of western and eastern healing.

The Jing Method of clinical massage provides the tools to treat and release chronic pain conditions, such as recurring shoulder, neck and back pain.

Each treatment includes techniques of myofascial release, deep tissue, trigger point therapy and assisted stretching.

To really benefit from these treatments requires a thorough consultation, some realistic homework and a commitment to work together over a few sessions to bring the body into a place of healing (see package details on my booking page).

Whether you are seeking immediate blissful release or long-term wellness, we will work together with compassion for your physical, mental, and emotional needs to bring you to a place of balance and ease. 

Together we can cultivate your physical and emotional wellbeing to allow you to radiate as your best self.

Massage FAQs

Before each treatment is a mandatory consultation:

  • We will discuss any pain, injury, physical or emotional conditions, past or present.

  • Please be honest with me and with yourself.

  • I consider all information professionally and confidentially.

For home visits, I bring my massage couch: please consider a space that is easy to access, spacious to move around and a good temperature for comfort during your massage. You may choose to play your own music.

I provide towels/sarongs to cover you during your treatment, or you may use your own. You may choose to wear comfortable briefs/ knickers/ pants. Be assured you will be professionally draped throughout the treatment.

For comfort, plan not to have a full stomach, empty your bladder and aim not to be rushed..

Please turn off your phone and reduce distractions wherever possible.

(NB I am happy to work around necessary distractions, e.g. I can treat postnatal mothers with their babies, please discuss with me beforehand).

During the treatment, your comfort is key.

Feedback is welcome throughout the treatment. I can sense many types of feedback through your body, but ultimately I am not within your body and at times verbal feedback will be the most accurate way for me to understand and heighten your experience.

Please communicate if you would like to change your position, temperature, volume etc.

When working with pain conditions communication is essential to know when we are reaching the sources of the problem.

There may be times when the tissues feel challenged, however this is not a “no pain, no gain” experience. If you feel yourself tensing muscles or gritting your teeth as this may not be optimal for treatment.

For best results, allow the breath to become long and slow. You may use breath focus to relax your mind. An exhale can help to release muscles, particularly during times of increased tenderness and passive stretches.

Side-lying massage stretch for the hip flexors

After the treatment, please take time to roll to one side and then sit a little while before standing. 

If you can provide feedback immediately after the massage and again after 1-3 days, it can really assist to focus the efficacy of subsequent treatments.

You will benefit most if you do not have to rush immediately after treatment.

Please note that sometimes when healing deep-held tensions and conditions occasionally symptoms intensify before improving. This means that at times you may experience some discomfort within the first 24-48 hours after treatment. Please contact me if you are concerned. 

Chronic pain and tension conditions often require a short series of 1-6 regular treatments for best healing capacity. I will recommend subsequent maintenance treatments at a schedule that best suits you and I can offer payment packages accordingly.